Getting a start on track

Making Tracks The pandemic has me located in a temporary location, and it will be at least a little time before I have a place to work in earnest. This, however, has not stopped real progress. I've begun to fabricate track components using Fast Tracks fixtures . I can't say enough good things about how the Fast Tracks approach yields reliable track work. Before I went too far I built several turnouts to work out how I wanted to handle the hinging the points, and how I wanted to make the throwbar connection. This way I can standardize my work, and ensure consistent reliable operations--a top priority. I may make one or two additiona modifications, but am over all pleased with how the turnouts are coming out. I also made a first draft of a double slip switch. There is one located at Bahnhof Bever, and many others located throughout the network--so utterly necessary. There are several things I plan to change about the double slip, most notably, I did a few things I won't do e...